本會及理工學院校友會與多間大學校友會聯合主辦講座: 以工程師的觀點對”鉛水”問題探討,約一佰八十位會員/校友出席。
合辦機構包括: Hong Kong Polytechnic Alumni Association, UMT Hong Kong Alumni Association, Hong Kong Institution of Incorporated Engineers, Hong Kong College of Engineering, Hong Kong Institution of Facilities Engineers, Institution of Data Centre Engineers and the supporting associations are The Building Services Operation and Maintenance Executives Society (BSOMES), Hong Kong Association of Energy Engineers (HKAEE), PolyU Electrical Engineering Alumni Association.
主講嘉賓包括Ir. Prof. Richard Chan及Mr. Ho Kin Man John。Ir. Prof. Chan從業界資深工程師角度解說及探討。Mr. Ho則從業界資深化驗師角度解說及探討。出席者都十分投入及獲益不小。
Powerpoint of Ir. Prof. Richard Chan’s talk
Powerpoint of Mr. Ho Kin Man John’s talk