本會及理工學院校友會於4月14日(星期二) 晩上於理大舉辦講座:”Concrete Protection Method 混凝土保護的方法”,約五十位會員/校友出席。講座由本會及理工學院校友會及Hong Kong Concrete Repair and Waterproofing Association合辦。美國管理科技大學香港校友會協辦。
嘉賓講者是: Mr. Simon Edwards BSc MiCorr NACE . Brief Outline of the talk is:
1. Brief Introduction
2. Normal Condition vs Corroding Condition
(a) What is Corrosion;
(b) What causes corrosion;
(c) How do we control corrosion;
3. Impressed current/galvanic cathodic protection
4. Introduction to the Patch Guard system
5. Projects that VSL has carried out in Hong Kong